January - 17, 2025

Jaysen’s Birth Story

There are so many misconceptions about birth centers. People hear the term and think it’s dangerous or that the midwives aren’t licensed, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. The midwives here are medical professionals who are highly experienced in the normal birth process. It’s just a different model than what you’d find in a hospital.

One of the biggest issues with hospital births is that many women simply accept everything their doctor tells them without knowing they have other options. They don’t realize they can question the process, speak up for themselves, and choose something different. The care at My Family Birth Center focuses on those options — giving women more control and a voice in their birth experience.

My wish for women, especially those who have been traumatized by medicalized births, is to know that there’s more than one option. You don’t have to do everything your doctor says without exploring what feels right for you. Choosing a birth center can lower the risk of having a traumatic birth or experiencing postpartum depression. It’s a chance to have a peaceful birth that leaves you feeling empowered and strong.

It’s important for women to know that birth doesn’t have to be something they endure — it can be a peaceful, powerful experience. My Family Birth Center makes that possible.


November - 7, 2024

116 Reasons to Birth with My Family Birth Center

A beautiful setting to welcome your little one. A peaceful atmosphere that makes you feel at home. Calm surroundings to ease every moment. A serene space dedicated to your journey. Trusted for safe birthing experiences. Licensed by the State of Utah for exceptional care. Three unique, private birth rooms designed with care. Sound-insulated rooms for […]

September - 23, 2024

Navigating Sick Season

As we near winter and with older children going back to school, it’s common for illnesses to spread. If you are pregnant or recently had a baby, you don’t want to get sick or have your baby getting sick. In this blog post, we will discuss what you can do to help prevent sickness, how […]

September - 11, 2024

Postpartum Aftercare

Giving birth takes a toll on the body and we need to make sure we are properly taking care of ourselves afterwards. Before giving birth, plan what you’ll need or want to help you heal well. This blog post will discuss what kind of aftercare you should follow after delivering your baby.  Immediately After Birth […]