January - 17, 2025

Jessie’s Birth Story

A challenge that I had with this pregnancy was that I actually had gestational diabetes. I’d never had that before, and I was really scared that I’d be told I had to go to the hospital and stay with an OB. But the birthing center was very happy to bring me on. I did have to control it, but they stayed really on top of it, which was very comforting.

At the hospital, I was never allowed to have a lot of options outside of epidurals for pain management. They never let me stand in the shower or be in a tub. Doing that here was such an improvement! I’ve ripped in the past while giving birth, but this time I didn’t rip at all. This was the first birth where, as soon as I was done, I felt completely fine.

It was so cozy here. It felt like being at home, except I didn’t have to clean the mess after.

I definitely felt much more listened to here than I ever have in the hospital. In the hospital, I always had to fight staff who kept pushing me to get an epidural. Constantly, they’d ask, ‘Are you sure you don’t want an epidural, hon?’ And while you’re in labor, that’s the worst question to be asked when you don’t want one.

Here, they never asked if I wanted an epidural. Instead, they were always monitoring my comfort: ‘Do you want to get in the shower? Do you want to sit in the tub? Are you okay where you’re at?’ They were really on top of making sure I was comfortable and safe. I felt very safe here.

At My Family Birth Center, I was able to direct the energy of the room. I brought pictures of Christ and placed them in the room. I also brought pictures of my grandmother and great-grandmother, who have passed away. I really felt their presence during my pregnancy and actually named my baby after my great-grandmother.

I told Loretta during my appointments that it was important to me to have the spirit in the room. And that’s exactly what I felt.


November - 7, 2024

116 Reasons to Birth with My Family Birth Center

A beautiful setting to welcome your little one. A peaceful atmosphere that makes you feel at home. Calm surroundings to ease every moment. A serene space dedicated to your journey. Trusted for safe birthing experiences. Licensed by the State of Utah for exceptional care. Three unique, private birth rooms designed with care. Sound-insulated rooms for […]

September - 23, 2024

Navigating Sick Season

As we near winter and with older children going back to school, it’s common for illnesses to spread. If you are pregnant or recently had a baby, you don’t want to get sick or have your baby getting sick. In this blog post, we will discuss what you can do to help prevent sickness, how […]

September - 11, 2024

Postpartum Aftercare

Giving birth takes a toll on the body and we need to make sure we are properly taking care of ourselves afterwards. Before giving birth, plan what you’ll need or want to help you heal well. This blog post will discuss what kind of aftercare you should follow after delivering your baby.  Immediately After Birth […]