January - 17, 2025
Katlyn’s Birth Story
It honestly felt like God’s timing. My friend’s experience was fresh in my mind, and two months later, I was pregnant. It was like He was putting this opportunity in front of me and saying, ‘This is where you need to go.
I would specifically call out Anastasia. She was one of the attending midwives who ended up being at my birth, and her and I really connected during my prenatal appointments. My water started breaking on a Monday, and by Tuesday night, I was concerned. Out of nowhere, Anastasia texted me. She had been in her postpartum period and hadn’t heard from me in weeks, but she said she felt called to be part of my birth story. That gave me so much peace of mind. It was like, ‘Wow, God’s in control. His timing is right.
At 11:45, I woke up, and our doula came to the house. Apparently, my husband and I weren’t monitoring contractions very well, because when the doula arrived, she calmly said, ‘Your contractions are two minutes apart. We should probably get to the birth center.’ Sophie was born at 2:38. The midwives were able to get the water ready for me, and I had the water birth I had planned, which was phenomenal. It definitely helped with pain management.
The best part of the story is that Anastasia helped deliver Sophie while wearing her own baby. If I can summarize my experience with My Family Birth Center, it’s that everything feels so personal. Every appointment and interaction with the midwives feels like it’s just between you and them. They spend intentional time with you, and you never feel rushed.
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See All Blog PostsNovember - 7, 2024
116 Reasons to Birth with My Family Birth Center
A beautiful setting to welcome your little one. A peaceful atmosphere that makes you feel at home. Calm surroundings to ease every moment. A serene space dedicated to your journey. Trusted for safe birthing experiences. Licensed by the State of Utah for exceptional care. Three unique, private birth rooms designed with care. Sound-insulated rooms for […]
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Navigating Sick Season
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September - 11, 2024
Postpartum Aftercare
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