
"I started a more holistic approach to life about four or five years before I found My Family Birth Center. My family was already on a path of choosing natural, organic options, so when we decided to get pregnant, choosing a birth center felt like the natural decision." "The first thing that drew me in was the aesthetic of the birth center. It’s beautiful, with big tubs, bright lighting, and a cozy atmosphere. It felt like home, but also like a clean, safe space to give birth. Touring the facility and meeting Loretta really sealed the deal. She has such a calming presence, and talking with her made me feel comfortable and at peace with our decision."

Postpartum care was amazing. I’ve heard friends say they felt trapped in the hospital after birth, with constant monitoring when all they wanted was to go home. It was such a relief to give birth here and then head home to our own bed, where the midwives came to us for follow-ups. That was one of the best parts.

My recovery was challenging, though. I had a long labor — 27 hours, plus 24 hours of pre-labor — so I was exhausted. I’ve heard from others that recovery is easier after a home or birth center birth compared to the hospital because you aren’t waiting for medications to leave your system. I didn’t have that comparison, but I definitely felt like I got hit by a bus after my birth. It took me about four days to feel like I could stand, shower, and make breakfast without feeling like I’d pass out. But through all of that, the women here supported me.I never felt scared, rushed, or alone. They made me feel comfortable, empowered, and capable.

For me, the idea of being in a hospital was more stressful and concerning than being in a cozy, home-like environment. The birth center felt more hands-off, natural, and relaxed — which was exactly what I needed. I think it’s important for every woman to look inside herself and think about what feels right for her and her family.

If you have questions or concerns, talk to the midwives. They answered all of my questions and made me feel really comfortable, even sharing stats about how often women at the birth center need to transfer to a hospital. I researched a lot — reading books, listening to podcasts, and hearing other women’s birth stories. Knowing how many women choose this route empowered me to know that I could, too.

I’m so glad we made this choice. It was the right fit for us, and I wouldn’t change a thing.

"My first baby was a home birth in Arizona, and as a military family, it was exciting to find a birth center here in Utah that accepted our insurance. My Family Birth Center felt like the most credible option after researching reviews and checking out their online presence. It was important to me to find a place with positive birth experiences and healthy outcomes. The birth center’s new Layton location was also close to our house, which made it an easy decision."

One of the biggest reasons I chose the birth center was the support from the midwives. I’ve always felt that with the right care team, I could be talked through anything — even something as big and daunting as a natural birth. The midwives here gave me the confidence that I could do it without the need for a hospital setting. I truly believe that anyone can have a natural birth with the right support system.
My birth experience here was pretty smooth overall. One of the challenges we faced was laboring at home for over 10 hours, thinking things weren’t progressing. My contractions were about 10 minutes apart, and we started feeling mentally discouraged. But when we got to the birth center, I was almost ready to push and didn’t even realize it. That was a surprise, but it showed me how much progress my body had been making the whole time.
This birth experience shaped our family in meaningful ways. We value health and wellness, and knowing our girls were born through a more natural process without unnecessary interventions gives me confidence in their long-term health. There wasn’t trauma or stress introduced into their little bodies during birth, which makes me feel more secure as they grow up.
My postpartum recovery this time has been much easier than with my first. I’ve even started doing CrossFit workouts again with a friend. I’m still healing, but I’m back to doing the activities I love.
I would absolutely recommend coming in for a consultation, even if you’re just curious. I wasn’t sure about doing a home birth with my first, but after meeting the midwives and seeing the environment, I felt so comfortable. If there’s even a small part of you that’s curious about birth centers, take a tour and meet the team. You’ll see the care they provide firsthand, and it might surprise you how empowering the experience can be. I think more moms would feel confident choosing this path if they just gave it a chance.

"The more I learned about home births, birth centers, and unmedicated births, the more I became interested in choosing that option for myself. When we found My Family Birth Center, we compared it to a few other places, but this one just felt right. It felt like a safe, comforting place to have a baby — something my doula told me was incredibly important. She said that feeling safe and comfortable would foster the best environment for a birth with minimal interventions, and I couldn’t agree more."

One of the most important parts of this journey for me was having my husband involved. At the birth center, they included him every step of the way, and that made such a difference. Instead of being pushed to the side or sleeping in an uncomfortable chair like in a hospital, he had a bed of his own and a real role in the birth. He was initially skeptical and had concerns about whether the midwives knew what they were doing. But after coming to every appointment, building a rapport with Loretta and the team, and getting all of our questions answered, he gained complete trust in them.

The care we received was phenomenal. Amber made sure we could hear the baby’s heartbeat whenever we wanted, and Elise and the rest of the team were always there to support us. It ended up being the best option for us, and I got to have my dream birth. It was truly a ‘happily ever after’ experience.

The biggest thing I took away from this experience was learning how to feel empowered and advocate for myself and my baby. The team at My Family Birth Center emphasized that it’s my baby, my body, and my birth plan, and they were there to support me in that. They taught me how to be confident in making decisions and advocating for my child’s health. That’s something I don’t think you learn anywhere else.

I 100% recommend Loretta and the My Family Birth Center team. You really do feel like part of their family. The checkups never felt sterile or clinical. Instead, they felt like visiting friends who happened to be professionals. They made us feel so comfortable, and they helped ease all of my husband’s concerns.

Being pregnant can feel overwhelming with all the choices you have to make. It’s important to follow your instincts, trust your body, and advocate for yourself. That’s something I learned here, and it’s made all the difference. It’s incredible to share such a life-changing experience with such a wonderful team. Choosing the right people to help you through birth is so important for your health and happiness, and for us, that place was My Family Birth Center.

"Before coming to My Family Birth Center, I had one child, born in a hospital, and it was unmedicated. But after that experience, I knew I wanted more control over my next birth. I started looking for a birth center, and luckily, My Family Birth Center was right near where I was living. It gave me the chance to experience what birth should truly feel like." "Between my two children, I had three years to think about what I wanted for my next birth. I realized that I wanted to be more involved and have a say in how things went. My Family Birth Center offered everything I was looking for — the freedom to choose what felt right for me and my baby."

My husband was initially concerned about what would happen if something went wrong. Loretta was very open with us about different scenarios and how they would be handled. It was reassuring to know that even if complications arose, they could be managed at the birth center. That education and knowledge gave us peace of mind.

I realized that birth is a natural process. Our bodies are designed to do this — we don’t need a hospital or a doctor to birth a baby. Having the care and support from midwives made me feel that was all I needed to have a successful birth.

Pain management was never something I wanted to experience through medication. I wanted to feel my body doing the work. I’ve heard all the stories about how painful birth can be, but when you understand the process, it doesn’t feel that way. Our bodies are designed for this, and the pain has a purpose to push us through. For me, it wasn’t painful at all.

My last birth was a home birth, and it was an incredible experience. I felt deeply connected with myself and my faith. It was peaceful and comforting to be in my own space, preparing for my baby. Even with my birth center birth, having control over the environment allowed me to connect my mind, body, and soul during labor.

The recovery process was amazing. A calm pregnancy, a peaceful birth experience, and that support from the midwives carried into postpartum. I felt reassured throughout. If I had a question or concern, I could message the midwives and always receive comfort and guidance.

Birth is a beautiful, natural experience that every woman is capable of. People say, ‘You’re a superhero for doing a natural birth,’ but the truth is, every woman was built to do it. If a natural birth is what she wants, she can absolutely achieve it.

"My first birth experience at the hospital actually felt pretty good at the time. I thought it went well, and I was ready to keep going that route. There were a few things I was unsure about, but I chalked it up to me just being squeamish about medical stuff. I didn’t realize until my second pregnancy how much I hadn’t been told about my first birth. Once I started learning more about hospital practices, it hit me — I wasn’t really in control of my first birth. I hadn’t been an active participant in my own experience, and I realized how lucky I was that things had gone smoothly. It opened my eyes, and I knew I wanted something different for my second birth." "I found My Family Birth Center through a simple Google search. I didn’t even know birth centers were a thing in Ogden — I assumed they’d only be in Salt Lake or Utah County. My first impression when I walked in was how warm and inviting it was. It wasn’t white, sterile, or clinical. I reached out to Loretta beforehand, and she invited us to come in for a tour. She sat down with us and answered all our questions without rushing. It felt like a completely different experience from a doctor’s office, where everything is rushed, and you feel like just another patient."

The care at the birth center was so personal. They remembered things we talked about from previous appointments — asking how my kids were doing and following up on details. They weren’t just preparing me for birth; they were invested in my experience.

My husband’s role during the second birth was so much more involved. At the hospital, he sat on the sidelines, unsure how to help. I was hooked up to machines and didn’t know what I needed from him. He basically just held my hand and ate Chick-fil-A while I sat in the hospital bed. But this time, after taking a birth course and learning what to expect, I knew exactly how he could support me. He felt more prepared and like a part of the process.

The birth center offers online courses to take at your own pace and even a free in-person class toward the end of your pregnancy. They teach you about birthing positions, counter-pressure, ways to stay comfortable, and even how to make better diet choices in the last trimester. The education they provide is incredible.

I wish more women knew how important it is to ask questions. I used to think that whatever the doctor said was final — I never questioned it. Now, I know that you’re in charge of your own birth. You can ask, ‘Why are we doing this?’ or, ‘What other options do I have?’ So much of what happens in hospitals is about what’s most convenient for them, not necessarily what’s best for you.

I’d recommend that everyone take a birth course, no matter where you plan to give birth. Knowing how your body works, what to expect during each stage of labor, and what interventions mean can change your entire experience. Birth is something we’ve been made to fear, but once you’re educated, you realize your body is built for it. It’s empowering to have that knowledge and to know you have a say in your own birth.

"When I arrived at the hospital for my first birth, they didn’t even think I was in labor. The front desk staff was rude, and we sat in triage for an hour before being moved to the labor room. I barely saw my nurse, and when it came time to push, nobody was there. My husband had to run out into the hall to find someone. I was in the bathroom, and they forcefully moved me into the hospital bed to be checked — despite me screaming in pain. At that point, they hadn’t even called my doctor. The on-call doctor and nurses were casually chatting while I was pushing. My baby was born unmedicated, but the experience felt clinical and sterile." "Afterward, they bullied us into the vitamin K injection and pushed a supplemental nursing system on us, even though it was supposed to be a breastfeeding-friendly hospital. My husband, who wanted to support me, almost seemed embarrassed to do things like counter-pressure because of how clinical everything felt. It wasn’t the environment we wanted."

For my second birth, I knew I needed a different experience — one where I would be supported in having an unmedicated birth. That led me to look for midwives, and I found My Family Birth Center. I wasn’t comfortable with a home birth, so the birth center felt like the safest option. I woke up at 2 a.m. with contractions two minutes apart. My husband called Loretta to say we wouldn’t make it to the birth center. She asked for our address, but she was already passing our street. She came in, assessed me, and said, ‘You’re having a baby right now.’ Ten minutes later, our baby was born at home.

We knew we’d return to the birth center. After our anatomy scan, Loretta called to say they thought they saw a cleft and asked me to come in for another ultrasound. I was devastated. My worst fear was needing hospital care and my baby ending up in the NICU. When I came in, Ellie, the office manager, reassured me right away. She told me, ‘This doesn’t mean you can’t have your baby here. We still want to support you.’ That was exactly what I needed to hear.

We confirmed our baby would be born with a cleft, but I knew I could still have the birth I wanted. The midwives connected me with a lactation consultant experienced in feeding cleft babies. Throughout my care, they treated us as the experts on our baby — asking what we needed and how they could help. We were meeting with specialists and surgeons, so they recognized that we knew our baby best.

One of my friends recently told me her birth was traumatic, but she brushed it off, saying, ‘It doesn’t matter because my baby was born healthy.’ I hear women say that all the time, and it’s so wrong. It does matter. Birth is your initiation into motherhood and your baby’s initiation into life. Trauma should never be the norm. It shouldn’t be how someone enters the world. Birth matters.

"When I first came to My Family Birth Center and met with Loretta, it was so reassuring to finally have someone affirm everything I had been feeling about birth. It was comforting to hear from someone so knowledgeable and experienced that birth is a normal, physiological process and doesn’t have to be medicalized. She helped me feel confident that I wouldn’t be forced into a medicalized birth if that wasn’t what I wanted."

There are so many misconceptions about birth centers. People hear the term and think it’s dangerous or that the midwives aren’t licensed, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. The midwives here are medical professionals who are highly experienced in the normal birth process. It’s just a different model than what you’d find in a hospital.

One of the biggest issues with hospital births is that many women simply accept everything their doctor tells them without knowing they have other options. They don’t realize they can question the process, speak up for themselves, and choose something different. The care at My Family Birth Center focuses on those options — giving women more control and a voice in their birth experience.

My wish for women, especially those who have been traumatized by medicalized births, is to know that there’s more than one option. You don’t have to do everything your doctor says without exploring what feels right for you. Choosing a birth center can lower the risk of having a traumatic birth or experiencing postpartum depression. It’s a chance to have a peaceful birth that leaves you feeling empowered and strong.

It’s important for women to know that birth doesn’t have to be something they endure — it can be a peaceful, powerful experience. My Family Birth Center makes that possible.

"The idea of giving birth in a hospital never appealed to me. The thought of bright lights, noise, and a chaotic environment made me uncomfortable. I didn’t want to feel like I wasn’t in charge of my own birth experience."

I found My Family Birth Center through a friend who had her second child there. She shared how much control she had over her birth and how personalized the experience was. Hearing her story helped me realize this was exactly what I wanted when it came time to start my family.

Walking into the birth center for the first time, I immediately noticed the warmth of the environment — even the purple walls felt inviting. Meeting Loretta for the first time was also such a positive experience. She was friendly and caring, and I never felt like just another patient walking through the doors.

My husband was included in every step of the process. The midwives invited him to feel the baby’s position and explained the ultrasounds to him in detail. It was clear that this experience was meant for both of us, which made it feel more special.

The care we received here was far more individualized than what we would have experienced in a hospital. I love that the sign on the door says, ‘Have a voice.’ That’s exactly how I felt during both of my births here — respected, empowered, and heard.

"Giving birth at a hospital was never really an option for me. I’d seen all the stories and posts on Instagram, and they rarely seemed positive. Deep down, I knew I wanted a water birth or home birth if possible, so the hospital was out of the question from the start."

The experience at the birth center was so inclusive, especially with my husband. From the moment we got there, they asked him how involved he wanted to be — whether he just wanted to watch, be hands-on, or even be in the tub with me. It made such a difference to have him right there, fully included, which wouldn’t have happened at a hospital. It strengthened our bond because there wasn’t a room full of people taking over.

I feel so much more empowered after giving birth at the birth center. They taught me how to advocate for myself. When I was seeing an OB, I never really spoke up. I didn’t want to upset her or damage the relationship we had built. But here, Loretta made it clear that it was my birth plan, and they were there to make it happen exactly how I wanted.

Everyone is so scared to speak up for themselves during birth, especially if it’s their first time. I was scared too — I didn’t know how to ask the right questions or advocate for what I wanted. But after getting a tour of the birth center, I felt so much more secure. I could ask questions without fear of being turned down, and they made me feel safe.

Looking back, I know this was the best decision I could’ve made. Moving forward, I have a much better mentality about what I want for future births. If we have baby number two, there’s no question — we’re coming back to the birth center.

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