May - 3, 2022
To All the Moms
To be a mom is to wish your baby would never grow up, but love to see how much they’ve changed year after year. It’s feeling frustrated by the mundane tasks, but finding joy in the simplest of moments. It’s getting a chance to view the world with fresh eyes, your child’s eyes.
Being a Mom is Hard

From the very beginning, motherhood is difficult. Even trying to conceive can prove to be challenging. You might be Mourning a Loss, something we wish no one knew the pain of. You have to time it just right, and it may take longer than you expected, causing fatigue.
Pregnancy comes with its challenges as well. As you carry your baby with you everywhere, you worry about almost everything. Am I eating well enough? Can I take this medicine? What activities should I avoid?
As if the uncertainty wasn’t bad enough, the physical experience of pregnancy can be overwhelming. The morning sickness, exhaustion, the growing belly, and the achy pains.
After your baby has arrived, your whole routine is turned on its head. You have to figure out how to take care of your baby while you work out what your baby likes and dislikes. Then as soon as you get your new routine down, your baby’s nap needs change, or they hit a significant milestone and you have to change your routine once again.
Doing Stuff with Kids is Challenging
When you become a mom, it’s easy to make that part of you your whole personality, because trying to do anything with kids is difficult. Your priorities get rearranged. Keeping your house tidy gets put on the backburner. Your hobbies become less important. Your outings with friends become less and less frequent.
But you are so much more. You can have your own things, and you can have things you like to do with your family. Finding that balance between your family and your own free time can do wonders for your mental health. It may take longer to get out the door, and it may be more difficult to find time to work on your hobbies, but it is still important to do the things you enjoy too.
You Question Your Skills
Every now and then you get this lingering doubt and start to question whether your parenting the “right,” way. But there is no right way to parent, only the way that works for you and your family.
You worry that you’re not playing with your children enough. You worry about if they are meeting their milestones and developing accordingly. It can be hard to dismiss negative thoughts and concerns. Trust that you know your children best and are doing the best you can for them.
Motherhood is also Rewarding

For all the heartache and challenges motherhood brings, it can also bring many rewards that come in different forms. From your baby’s first smile to the drawings they make just for you. They are reminders of just how much love you have for your child and how you would do anything to keep them safe and protected from harm.
You are a Teacher
You teach your child so much more than you know. You are the first, and most important teacher they will ever have. You teach your child compassion and empathy when they get hurt and you are there to comfort them. They learn how to do everyday tasks by watching you.
You are their Comfort
You were your child’s first home and the place where they feel the safest. When your child feels scared, you are there to ease their fears. When they get hurt, you kiss their boo-boos. You cheer them on and encourage them to do hard things. They know they can be vulnerable with you because you will love them unconditionally. You give them love with every fiber of your being, and they receive every bit of it.
You are Enough
You are everything your child needs you to be and you are the perfect mother for them. Motherhood can bring you the greatest joy, yet at the same time, cause you the most sorrow.
Take in every moment, even the tough ones.
For help with every part of your journey into motherhood, schedule a consultation with us today.
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