January - 30, 2024
When to Announce a Pregnancy

When you first find out you’re pregnant, you may have one of two reactions. You may want to open a window and shout it out to the world, or you may want to keep the information to yourself and celebrate privately. But you might still be wondering, when should I announce my pregnancy?
That can depend on personal preference, as well as the relationship to whom you will be announcing your pregnancy to. Let’s discuss the time frames people normally announce their pregnancies.
Friends and Family
For most women, their partner is the first person to be privy to such information right away. If you would like to plan a surprise announcement for your partner, consider letting someone else in on the secret so they can help you. Of course, you don’t have to plan a whole big thing if you don’t want to. Announcing a pregnancy to your partner is already such a big deal!

For close friends and family, you can let them in on your exciting news as soon as you wish. For acquaintances and friends that you don’t speak with as often, most women wait until 12 weeks of pregnancy to announce in case of miscarriage. It can be emotionally difficult having to explain a miscarriage to people who are not a regular part of your life. Close friends and family members will be better suited to provide support should a miscarriage occur. By 12 weeks of pregnancy, the risk of miscarriage decreases significantly, and you start to feel more like yourself again as the nausea and morning sickness dwindle.
Trying to determine when to tell your employer about your pregnancy can be nerve-wracking, especially for first-time moms. While you are not legally required to tell your employer about your pregnancy, it is customary to give your employer notice in the second trimester (usually around 12-14 weeks) so they have ample time to hire and train a replacement for your maternity leave.
Please note that for employees who are eligible for FMLA, you must give at least 30 days’ notice prior to when you need to take parental leave otherwise your employer could deny your request. Pregnancy can be unpredictable at times so it’s best if you tell your employer before the last month of pregnancy. More than likely, you’ll probably have to schedule time off work for prenatal check-ups and need to notify your employer of your upcoming appointments so they can adjust the schedule if needed.

After telling your boss and HR, you can choose when (if at all) you want to discuss your pregnancy with your coworkers. If you’re not quite ready to announce your pregnancy to your coworkers yet, let your boss know that you aren’t ready to share the news with them at this time, so they don’t accidentally spill the beans during a meeting.
You may have to tell your employer sooner rather than later if you work with harmful materials or if you need accommodations during your pregnancy. If you are experiencing severe morning sickness or fatigue, you should consider telling your employer early on if it is affecting your work tasks. Doing so can protect you from getting fired thanks to the Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978.
Care Providers
Inform your midwives and other care providers as soon as possible. When you call the midwives, you can discuss how far along you think you are and set up your first prenatal appointment. Go over what medications you are currently taking, including over-the-counter medicines, to ensure they are safe during pregnancy. Every time you visit a new doctor, hospital, or emergency services inform them of your pregnancy so they can give you and your fetus the proper medical treatment.
To make your first prenatal appointment, schedule an appointment today!
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