November - 2, 2022
Why Choose a Birth Center?
Are you thinking about using a birth center but still on the fence about it? Many women who have used a birth center have reported having a more positive experience overall and feeling a sense of pride or empowerment after giving birth. Continue reading to see why women are switching back to the midwifery model of care.
Low Cost
Birth centers are an excellent option for keeping costs low when having a baby. At My Family Birth Center, we strive to keep prices fair and can take insurance to reduce costs further.

Hospitals tend to be more expensive and for good reason. Hospitals have more staff, expensive equipment, and specialists that can contribute to a costly bill. Because of these factors, hospitals are capable of caring for patients with high-risk pregnancies.
For women with low-risk pregnancies, using a birth center can afford you the birth of your dreams while allowing you to save your hard-earned money.
Reduced Risk Of Cesarean
The midwifery model of care has been proven to reduce the risk of cesarean achieved through prenatal appointments, education on pregnancy and childbirth, and continuous support during labor and delivery. Cesareans are a major operation and should be avoided unless absolutely necessary.
Other benefits of midwifery care include higher rates of successful breastfeeding and decreased risk of miscarriage, preterm birth, and hemorrhage.
Freedom of Choice
A common myth about pregnancy and giving birth is that you are at the behest of your care provider. That is simply untrue and in fact, you have many choices in regard to your pregnancy and birth. These choices include but are not limited to-

- If you would like cervical checks performed
- Freedom to move around during labor
- Give birth in the position that feels comfortable to you
- The option of having a water birth
- You can give birth at the birth center or a planned home birth
- How many people do you want present at the birth
While the advice of your care provider should be taken into consideration, you are still in control of your situation.
Intimate Quality of Care
Midwives take a holistic style approach in their care. This type of care includes the physical, emotional, and social well-being of their patients. The midwives want to treat the whole patient, not just one problem. For example, if a patient comes in complaining of constipation, the midwives would ask her about her diet, water intake, and exercise levels. It’s highly probable that this issue can be resolved by increasing her fiber, drinking more water, and taking a short walk daily. By making these changes, her constipation could be solved long-term and no longer be an issue.
The midwives will also educate their patients on the process of physiological birth, breastfeeding, and caring for their newborn.
Throughout your pregnancy, the midwives will work on cultivating a close and professional relationship. This comfortability with the midwives will become especially important during labor because it is such a vulnerable time when you should be with people you trust.
Family Friendly

Would you like to include your older children in celebrating your pregnancy? Can’t find a babysitter for your prenatal appointment? They are welcome to join you and be an active participant in your pregnancy during your checkups. They can get an opportunity to listen to the baby’s heartbeat and learn about becoming an older sibling.
Older siblings are also allowed to be present during the birth of their younger sibling. We recommend having a babysitter for them just in case. Some children just aren’t interested, or they may become a distraction to the laboring mother.
If you’re considering using My Family Birth Center, call us today to schedule a free tour of our facility and a personalized consultation.
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